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Content creator, 2D illustrator & Games, Design & Animation graduate

πŸ’Œ[email protected] for business inquiries only!

I’m a freelancer, with a bachelors diploma in Games, Design and Animation. I love drawing fun & colourful aliens & anything Sci-Fi really.
My ultimate goal for my art is to be a game concept artist & character designer! I'm having a great time honing my skills, and I hope to draw more art to share.

commissions: O P E N



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My work is digital and digital only. I am not required to ship any physical goods.
All work is for personal or private use only unless agreed upon by both parties.
Only acceptable form of payment is PayPal! Payment is done all upfront! If your slot is high you can choose to delay payment until I get closer to your slot. I will not start working on your commission until I receive payment!
You are allowed up to 3 free major changes, after which you can be charged extra depending on how much time I’d spend on said change.
As the artist, I maintain all rights to my work and I may use it for my needs such as portfolios, unless discussed otherwise by both parties.
You must credit me (@starkonaa) as the artist whenever the art is used and showcased.
I have the right to decline commissions that I feel I cannot properly execute.
Commissions are non-refundable, unless I can’t complete it due to personal reasons, in which case you will be refunded in full!
No one is allowed to mint my artwork as an NFT (Non Fungible Token). My commissioned and pre-existing work, cannot be minted into an NFT by a commissioner nor anyone else.
Further terms:
I aim to finish commissions within the same month they were accepted. But at times it may take up to 1 month or more to finish depending on your slot number and my life schedule.
You will receive watermarked work in progress pictures of your commission.
I WILL NOT accept furry or heavy NSFW artworks (gore is fine).